Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with the weather because we all know it is still way too hot outside but it seems a few degrees cooler to me minus baby!
Before I begin let me just say that I made some mistakes & rush to judgment out of fear. I was afraid of going into labor while Eric was in AL & he wouldn't make it to the birth. I was afraid of delivery, which just monopolizes my every thought as the time approaches. I was afraid of going into labor while my midwife was out of town (she will be this upcoming weekend).
So when my midwife told me I was 3cm, 50% effaced, with a ripe cervix & she could prod me along to get this over with I was more than happy to just go for it. She pocked & prodded, broke my water & let me lumber along for about 7 hrs while we waited for the labor to get intense. We filled up the pool, truly a wonderful way to go through labor. I did dilate to 7cm but the labor was no big deal, nothing more than heavy cramping. I'm not sure if it was the water or just the labor itself but the contractions never got too bad. So, at 7cm my midwife decided it would be a good idea if I pushed during the contractions while she "massaged" the cervix to help dilate. This was the most painful thing I have EVER been through. I am not a screamer, actually, I'm very quiet & focused during delivery, usually, but not this time. It felt like my whole body was being split in two. After the head was out the shoulders would not budge so I had to get up with the head out & change positions to deliver the shoulders, again, not a good experience. But then she was here, on my chest, tiny and gorgeous and a GIRL to our surprise! It is not an experience I want to relive but it was still worth it when I look into that tiny face and smell that sweet newborn head. She is an absolute doll that has melted my heart. There are no pictures of or during the birth, I am not one for being photographed naked, fat, & writhing in pain so I will share some pictures of our first few days with baby Autumn. She is the light of our lives as you can tell from her siblings proud faces.