Monday, March 24, 2008


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Can you see him? This little guy had some sporadic neon current flowing through him. He wasn't doing too well so we couldn't get a shot of the current. After a few scary episodes last year we know to keep our distance from these small but ferocious creatures. Oh and to carry the necessary equipment in case we have a too close encounter.

Jellyfish sting essentials: white vinegar (too neutralize the sting), meat tenderizer, and Benadryl. We keep this in a bag in the car.


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There is just something precious about plump baby fingers feeling the cool white sand. She loves the sand. She goes through extra effort to pull the blanket until she can feel the sand with those awesome chubby digits.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sneak Peek

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This is one embroidered square for a disappearing 9-patch quilt in progress for Autumn. You can see some of the quilt behind the linen square. As is usual for me, there are many, many mistakes but I have come to realize that if I expect to do it perfectly I will never complete a project. So for now, I am very happy with the progress, mistakes and all. I like to think the mistakes give a more homemade, made with love, aura to the quilt. More as progress is made.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Happy Day

I have no idea what to name this post but I am so happy to have finally made my first apron, all for, me, me, and no one else but me! I'm a bit giddy. I love my new apron. I've wanted one forever but never wanted to spend the money on it. I decided that today was the day I'm finally going to get that apron. I picked out the colors, I picked out the design, I measured & cut, ironed and sewed, trimmed and ironed some more, and's done! Well, not completely done, it needs pockets & some trim but it is usable, it just needs the finishing touches to be added when the whim hits. But I am oh so happy so yes, I guess the name of the post fits, it is a happy day.

Update: It's complete!! Woo-hoo! I love it when I actually finish a project!

A bit more info about the apron. The fabrics are from Anna Maria Horner and the design is from my new favorite sewing book. Just want to give credit where credit is due. I love both of these resources and these fabrics and designs will be cropping up in many places around our home in the coming weeks.