Sunday, May 4, 2008

I'm moving on...

I have been floundering with this blog for a while now, feeling like I needed a new direction and focus but not sure where to go. After a lot of prayer and discussion with my husband I have decided to end this blog. I have found a new direction and theme but this blog did not seem like the right venue. I thought that starting anew would be the best option. I have a lot of work to do before it's ready but I did want to let you know why you will not see any more posts from me on this site. In the meantime, you can keep up with me on my other blog. Thank you for reading my blog, it's been fun!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Where do you live Weekend?

My friend Lori over at Just Pure Lovely wants you to write about where you live, sort of a tour around the world from each blogger. I posted mine here if you want to check it out. Let me know if you joined in so I can see yours.