Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Luna Moth

Luna Moth
Actias luna
Giant Silkworm Moth Family

4". Wings pale green, each with eyespot; leading edge of forewings purple, others edged in purple and white; hindwings have very long tail. Body yellow-green. Nocturnal. Caterpillar green with yellow side stripes; red, orange, and yellow tubercles. HABITAT Broadleaf woods. FOOD PLANTS Hickories, walnuts, Sweet Gum. SEASON Mar.-Sept.

This cutie was on our bathroom window last night. I think they are so beautiful. The above info is from National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Southeastern States. Photo credits go to my 8 yr old (almost) daughter Erin.

1 comment:

lindafay said...

What a find! Love it.