Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I missed it!!!!

Every night for the past 2 weeks or so I have grabbed my phone as I head off to bed. I have been anxiously awaiting my sister's newest little one & didn't want to miss the call if it came during the night. So last night I grabbed the phone as usual but must have set it down before I made it to bed because I awoke to messages blinking and the phone ringing. Ugh! I couldn't believe the one night I forget. Ok, but enough about me. Here she is...

We only make girls! Naomi Promise Hooker was welcomed into this world at 3:18 am this Wednesday morning. She is 9lbs 1oz and 21 and 1/4 inches long. And she is beautiful, if I do say so myself!:) Mama and baby are doing wonderful after only about 5 hours of labor in which time we had no power because of the rain and wind having knocked it out. But, I will have pictures and a birth story on my blog shortly. Just wanted to let you all know that she has made her arrival and we are doing well.

That was a picture from sister's blog, check out the link for more photos and then the email she sent out! I am such a proud aunt! Girl number 5 for their family. Just when we had caught up in the girl department. Oh well, Autumn is so happy to have a girl cousin her own age, well, Autumn will be the bossy one, she's got 5 months on Naomi, lol.

Congratulations Christina! And the rest of the Hooker clan...she is stunningly beautiful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell your sister I've been thinking about her all week and congratulations. I'm glad she can finally get some sleep without that belly. The baby is gorgeous and Naomi is one of my favorite names, and the Biblical one is a great example to Baby Naomi!