Friday, October 19, 2007

Autumn in the Air

Abby is Mommy 2, she is my extra set of hands, she & Erin are the reason Katy is so spoiled & Autumn is well on her way. I couldn't ask for better kids.

Seth is the PROUDEST big brother!

Notice the look of fear on Autumn's face as Katy (2yr) swoops in for a hug & kiss.

"She's screaming Mom, just take the picture."

"Yes, you may admire me."

Erin overseeing her friend, Britty, while she holds Autumn.

Abby sharing her sister with Mary. Consider yourself lucky Mary, she doesn't share her with just anyone.

These next 2 photos are pretty funny. It shows the effects of having 4 sisters on my 2 little boys & yet they still remain quite masculine. They were playing outside when Seth decided to bring me a rock he found. I noticed he was wearing work gloves & a doo-rag while carrying a purse to keep his treasures in, it works for him.

Here is Jack showing off the wood he has skinned (he made walking sticks for his sisters) while holding a doll, but in his defense it is a boy doll. Too cute!

These are shots at the Corn Maze in Chattanooga, TN. I took my mom & the 3 youngest.

Hanging out on Nina & Papa's new deck...

Aren't they sweet...


Christina said...

I love the pictures! I especially like the picture of Autumn looking terrified as Katy swoops in for a hug. Too cute!

momof3girls said...

The pictures are great. It looks like you guys have been having lots of fun with Autumn. She's a lucky little baby.