Sunday, May 4, 2008

I'm moving on...

I have been floundering with this blog for a while now, feeling like I needed a new direction and focus but not sure where to go. After a lot of prayer and discussion with my husband I have decided to end this blog. I have found a new direction and theme but this blog did not seem like the right venue. I thought that starting anew would be the best option. I have a lot of work to do before it's ready but I did want to let you know why you will not see any more posts from me on this site. In the meantime, you can keep up with me on my other blog. Thank you for reading my blog, it's been fun!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Where do you live Weekend?

My friend Lori over at Just Pure Lovely wants you to write about where you live, sort of a tour around the world from each blogger. I posted mine here if you want to check it out. Let me know if you joined in so I can see yours.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

When you live near the coast where do you go for vacation? Because even those beach bums need a vacation, right? And not at the beach, of course. (OK, that's not really true, offer me a house on the beach, waking to the lapping of waves & I'm absolutely there. But for the sake of this post, let's just say, not the beach.) We have decided to take a vacation, an extended vacation. We have decided to head to a place with abundant wildlife, diverse nature, and flourishing children. I will have spotty, sporadic internet access so I'll keep you posted on our adventure. So for now I better get back to packing and preparing, have you ever taken an extended vacation? There is sooo much preparation involved. But we have lots planned and will have lots to share. Next time I'll post pictures...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sweet, Simple Saturday

Originally uploaded by mom2aejs
Yes, I know it's Tuesday but these came to me on Saturday and I was so happy. It's time to mow the lawn so my sweeties, who know I love the natural look of wildflowers, brought me these goodies from the yard. The books showed up in the mail, these are a few we have been anxiously awaiting.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Mudpies!

Originally uploaded by mom2aejs
"Ama, can we please play in the hose?'
"Uhm, let's not do that please. I don't want the mud tracked through the house right now."
"Ok, Ama."

It's a good thing they're so cute!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Weekend in Philadelphia

This weekend we had a wonderful, whirlwind trip to Philadelphia. Our main purpose was to help our beloved Uncle Rob (my husband's brother) celebrate his 50th birthday. We really enjoyed spending time with family that we haven't seen in almost 4 yrs. They adored the kids and the kids adored them. Fun was had by all. We were fortunate enough to take a tour of the city on a double decker bus. I had a very fussy, tired baby in my arms so I handed the camera to hubby who did a stellar job. I love history, especially seeing where it happened. Betsy Ross' house

City Hall with William Penn's statue

Flags from every country line the streets that lead to a
fountain and a view of city hall.

I really thought this was going to be the highlight of the trip for me, aside from visiting family. But in all honesty I enjoyed seeing real life, what was occurring now, the heartbeat of a large city. It's been a long time since we have lived in or around a bustling city and it is so invigorating. I love walking everywhere and watching and smelling and touching, it is a very sensual experience and I have missed it. I loved watching and listening to the bagpipe player in the park, watching the wedding party run across the street in their formals for photo ops by the fountain, tasting the corner Philly cheese steak, watching my daughter observe nature in the middle of all of the busyness, observing the homeless man finding his next meal in the street trash can (yes, this is heartbreaking but it's real, it's not history yet, it's happening now). All of these seem to be in contrast to one another yet they were just steps apart.

I'm off to rest and unpack. It was over 20 hrs to drive home and we are still a bit travel weary.

Monday, March 24, 2008


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Can you see him? This little guy had some sporadic neon current flowing through him. He wasn't doing too well so we couldn't get a shot of the current. After a few scary episodes last year we know to keep our distance from these small but ferocious creatures. Oh and to carry the necessary equipment in case we have a too close encounter.

Jellyfish sting essentials: white vinegar (too neutralize the sting), meat tenderizer, and Benadryl. We keep this in a bag in the car.


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There is just something precious about plump baby fingers feeling the cool white sand. She loves the sand. She goes through extra effort to pull the blanket until she can feel the sand with those awesome chubby digits.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sneak Peek

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This is one embroidered square for a disappearing 9-patch quilt in progress for Autumn. You can see some of the quilt behind the linen square. As is usual for me, there are many, many mistakes but I have come to realize that if I expect to do it perfectly I will never complete a project. So for now, I am very happy with the progress, mistakes and all. I like to think the mistakes give a more homemade, made with love, aura to the quilt. More as progress is made.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Happy Day

I have no idea what to name this post but I am so happy to have finally made my first apron, all for, me, me, and no one else but me! I'm a bit giddy. I love my new apron. I've wanted one forever but never wanted to spend the money on it. I decided that today was the day I'm finally going to get that apron. I picked out the colors, I picked out the design, I measured & cut, ironed and sewed, trimmed and ironed some more, and's done! Well, not completely done, it needs pockets & some trim but it is usable, it just needs the finishing touches to be added when the whim hits. But I am oh so happy so yes, I guess the name of the post fits, it is a happy day.

Update: It's complete!! Woo-hoo! I love it when I actually finish a project!

A bit more info about the apron. The fabrics are from Anna Maria Horner and the design is from my new favorite sewing book. Just want to give credit where credit is due. I love both of these resources and these fabrics and designs will be cropping up in many places around our home in the coming weeks.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Nature Walk

Our first assignment for the Green Hour Challenge was to take a 10 to 15 min nature walk, look and observe and upon returning discuss 2 things observed, maybe learn a bit more about them. So, for our walk we hopped in the car & took off for Big Lagoon State Park. Half way there I remembered there was a park entrance fee, ugh, I had no money on me and I was nowhere near my bank. OK, so we turned around and ventured home. We live in a cul-de-sac, lots of houses, very little nature...or so I thought.

It was beautiful outside and we decided to stroll the cul-de-sac to see what we could see. We found so many things that I have seen my whole life but had no idea what they were. We chose 2 to identify upon returning home.

First, this is a seed from a Sweet Gum Tree.

Second, this is such a sweet smelling flower, my girls were sure it was a variety of honeysuckle but I'm fairly certain it's not. We have yet to identify this flower. Any guesses? I can't seem to find them in any of our field guides.

But I was so excited about the Sweet Gum Tree. The kids all had a blast and have asked to go for a walk every day since. We haven't made it out that often but that is my fault, not theirs. They collected treasures, I love displaying natural materials in the house. They did a great job and had a lot of fun. The girls took turns taking pictures and then were quick to post on their blogs here and here about their view of our walk.
I am a little behind because I think assignment #2 is well under way. My head has been in crafting mode lately and I need these nature challenges to get out of the house, breathe some fresh air, and remember why I love living in Florida. I get so involved in my obsession du jour that all else is forgotten. I am glad to have these challenges so I will be sure to get out and see what is happening in the "real" world.
On a nature related note, we are currently studying the moon in Astronomy so the girls used their blogs to post a narration of their experience and knowledge of the recent lunar eclipse. You can read that here and here.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

green hour button

green hour button
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Check out HarmonyArtMom and her new Green Hour Challenge. For those of us Nature Study impaired this could be just the thing to get us to take that first official step. Let me know if you are joining in. I'll post more as we get our first challenge underway.

Strange Brew

Strange and bizarre foods are brewing in the Cashen kitchen and I thought I would share...

First of all we have found a fabulous source for fresh from the cow milk and I have had kefir grains waiting for just this kind of milk. So what do you do with kefir grains?

Make kefir of course...

What is kefir? Check out The Happy Herbalist for lots of good info explained so much better than I could. I'll just tell you it's delicious and very good for you.

OK, so now I've made kefir, what do I do with it?

Well, the options are almost limitless. Substitute kefir for yogurt, milk, or sourdough starter. This is what we are making with our kefir:

Luscious Kefir Cookies
And if your eyes are good, here is the recipe:

Cream cheese and whey

The cream cheese will top our yummy bread and the whey will be used to make fermented carrots and sauerkraut, yum!

"Quick" SourdoughBread

The "sour" in this recipe comes from the kefir. "Quick" means you don't have to wait 7 days for a starter to ferment, just overnight.

Aside from kefir, we also have kombucha brewing on our counter. When we are very, very good, this replaces the junky, sugar-filled sodas we sometimes indulge in.

Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter, this is something new for me. I have never successfully made my own sourdough starter. It should be ready on Saturday so I'll keep you posted.

Here we have soaked hulled buckwheat, drained and rinsed. It is in day one of sprouting so no visible sprouts just yet. We will use this to make a living granola in the dehydrator.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Recent finished projects

Abby has been enjoying trying her hand at different handicrafts. She made this sweet bag for 2 yr old Katy...

...and knit this little hat for Autumn as Valentine's gifts.

And this is my first completed knitting project. I know it's hideous, but I learned sooo much from doing this. First, the weight of the yarn really is important. The pattern called for a lightweight cotton and I used a heavy boucle because I had it on hand. It is supposed to be a lightweight summer top but it works better as a winter vest. Second, it does make a difference if you knit 1 row, purl 1 row & then switch to purl 1 row, purl 1 row even though the directions do not tell you to switch, oops! Third, in my important things learned, it does matter if the front & back sides line up. Fourth, I really should measure a few things every now and then, such as, how far apart the shoulder straps are versus the size of her shoulders. And Fifth, but most important, I found that I really like knitting and the feeling of accomplishment at a finished project is very satisfying. I am eager to try something new & put in to practice the many things I learned on this first knitting venture. Oh, btw, Lori, I embroidered the buttons. And as a side note, please don't tell Katy it's hideous, she loves it, I couldn't be more pleased!

How was Your Valentine's Day?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Our room

We have this room, I love this room, I have great plans for this room. We had a room like this in just about every house we have lived in. This is our multi-function room, it's our school room, our craft room, our office room. I always dreamily plan wonderful days spent in this room. The problem is that this room always holds our clutter, our junk, the stuff I don't know where else to put it gets dumped in this room. So we never actually enjoy this room, it is always stressful and disappointing to see the potential of this room wasted on junk. Well, I finally decided, "NO MORE". I spent countless hours over the past week and a half throwing away, sifting through, organizing and making this room what I want it to be (within reason, lol). I finally finished this afternoon. I feel so relieved that the hard work is over. There are still some minor things to organize but it will be a cinch compared to what I just went through. Here are a few shots of our ROOM...

This is the view as you walk into the room. You are looking at our school books and resources. And Katy is enjoying playing with the wedgits in the corner.

This is our craft nook, the craft shelves look messy but they are organized and each shelf holds different craft mediums.

This is our office space, nothing fancy but it is organized, clean, and usable.

So now that this room is neat and tidy I would like my sweetie to build some bookshelves, you can never have too many books or bookshelves. We are also going to bring in a table to use for crafting and schoolwork. That is at our other house, we should get that in the next few weeks. I can't wait to hit the books with the kids on Monday now that we know where everything is and where it goes when we are finished. I am so pleased!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wordless Valentine's Eve Wednesday!!

A big girl bed for Katy!

I know it's really a crib mattress on the floor but she's proud of it. She ran around showing it to everyone and anyone who would look. "Das my!" She was so excited to climb in and snuggle with her stuffed animals and look at her books. She fell asleep and slept all night in her new big girl bed. My baby is growing up! And Daddy could not have been happier, finally there are no babies in the bed, lol!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Busy Hands

We have been in crafting mode lately. The girls are trying their hand at sewing and knitting. This is a true hands-on learning experience for them because I am such a novice at this myself I am really only able to give suggestions rather than teach them. I am very impressed with their accomplishments and I thought I would share a few...

Erin decided to make a sundress for Autumn, I was so proud of how thoughtfully and carefully she planned out the whole venture.

Erin completed her first knitting project and the first gift for baby Naomi. I hope it's still chilly when she finally receives it.

Here's Abby's first completed knitting project. She did such a nice job & caught on so quickly.
Both girl's are ahead of me, I have yet to finish my first knitting project, I've been working on it for about a month.

One of my big reason's for wanting to sew is to make cloth diapers for my little's. This is my first creation complete with sew many mistakes. It looks cute but this made me decide to follow a pattern for the next diaper. This is an AIO (all-in-one) with green fleece hemp as the liner & PUL pink w/ seashells as the outer cover. Definitely learning...

I can't wait to see what these little hands create!