Friday, June 8, 2007

Ambleside Online Year 2, Term 2: Erin

Here is Erin's schedule for the term we started this week:

Daily Instruction:
Copywork/Penmanship: Docere, Delectare, Movere Copybook II published
by Memoria Presss
Math: Singapore Math and living math books (currently Anno's Math
Foreign Language: Latin: Prima Latina
French: Phrase-a-Day & Le Francais Facile! Level I
Bible: OT readings on M,W,F; NT readings on T, Th. More in-depth study of
Matthew, and reading through Biblical Holidays as a family

Weekly Instruction:
Art: Drawing with Children
Book of Centuries: Timeline to go along with corresponding history
readings, and other significant figures (artist, composer, biblical, etc.)
Music Appreciation: Folksongs: Barbara Allen, Cherry Ripe, I'm Seventeen
Come Sunday
Hymns: O for a Thousand Tongues, How Firm a Foundation, Amazing Grace
Artist: Eugene Delacroix
Composer: Frederic Chopin
Grammar/Spelling/Dictation: English for the Thoughtful Child (once/wk); Spelling Wisdom, Book 1 (2x/wk), Story Starters (2x/wk)
An Island Story (British History: 1189-1399, Richard I-Richard II)
A Child's History of the World (World History: Richard I-John I Magna

History Tales and/or Biography:
Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula
The Little Duke by Charlotte Younge

Elementary Geography by Charlotte Mason
A Child's Geography of the World by VM Hillyer

Natural History/Science:
The Handbook of Nature Study by Comstock
Pagoo by Holling

Science: Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Eugene Field

Tales from Shakespeare by Lamb
Little Pilgrim's Progress
Parables from Nature by Gatty
The Wind in the Willows by Grahame

Free Reading Books:
Heidi by Spyri
A Wonder Book by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Tanglewood Tales by Hawthorne
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew by Sidney
Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales
Pied Piper of Hamlin
Abraham Lincoln by D'Aulaire
Five Children and It by Nesbit

To see how this plays out on a daily basis, here is last Thursdays schedule:
Bible: NT reading Matt 8:18-27 & orally narrated; Biblical Holidays-read verses demonstrating God's designated times, Matthew Study Matt. 8:18-22 (Demands of Discipleship)
Copywork: Docere, Delectare, Movere Copybook Book II-completed 2 pgs.
Dictation/Spelling: Spelling Wisdom, Book I, Ex.6, "Happy Thought"
Foreign Language: Prima Latina-listened to Lesson 4 on CD, The Sanctus, & vocabulary words & invisible verbs
Phrase-a-day French-Je vais me promener. (I'm going for a walk.)
Geography: Elementary Geography Book I; Rd & narrate Lesson 10, "The
Blind Boy (C. Cibber)"
History: A Child's History of the World; Rd. & narrate story 54, "Tick-Tack-
Toe; Three Kings in a Row"
The little Duke; Rd 1/4 of Ch. 7
Literature: The Wind in the Willows, Rd 1/5 of ch. 1, "The River Bank"
Free Reading: Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, Rd 1/5 of Ch. 16,
"Getting a Christmas for the Little Ones"
Math: Singapore Math p. 31-36, Ex. 14-16
Music: Frederic Chopin, Son of Poland, Early Years; rd 1/5 of ch.1, listened to
music, & colored picture to go w/ reading.
Listened to folksongs & hymns
Nature Study: Pagoo, Rd. Ch.3 "Pagoo Is A Hermit Crab!" & picture
Poetry: Lullaby Land. Songs of Childhood, by Eugene Field; Rd poem 4, "The
Dinkey Bird"
Science: Exploring Creation with Astronomy; Do final activity in lesson 3,
"Mercury" (Made craters in flour to simulate craters in Mercury)

We keep all lessons short, no longer than 20 min. This schedule does not take more than 3 hrs tops, that is, if she stays focused (which, in all honesty, is not her strong point, LOL) She also has lots of outside time to explore, play, observe. She is currently keeping a close eye on a momma bird & her new babies.

OK, I'll add Abby's schedule as time allows...

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