Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Weekend in Philadelphia

This weekend we had a wonderful, whirlwind trip to Philadelphia. Our main purpose was to help our beloved Uncle Rob (my husband's brother) celebrate his 50th birthday. We really enjoyed spending time with family that we haven't seen in almost 4 yrs. They adored the kids and the kids adored them. Fun was had by all. We were fortunate enough to take a tour of the city on a double decker bus. I had a very fussy, tired baby in my arms so I handed the camera to hubby who did a stellar job. I love history, especially seeing where it happened. Betsy Ross' house

City Hall with William Penn's statue

Flags from every country line the streets that lead to a
fountain and a view of city hall.

I really thought this was going to be the highlight of the trip for me, aside from visiting family. But in all honesty I enjoyed seeing real life, what was occurring now, the heartbeat of a large city. It's been a long time since we have lived in or around a bustling city and it is so invigorating. I love walking everywhere and watching and smelling and touching, it is a very sensual experience and I have missed it. I loved watching and listening to the bagpipe player in the park, watching the wedding party run across the street in their formals for photo ops by the fountain, tasting the corner Philly cheese steak, watching my daughter observe nature in the middle of all of the busyness, observing the homeless man finding his next meal in the street trash can (yes, this is heartbreaking but it's real, it's not history yet, it's happening now). All of these seem to be in contrast to one another yet they were just steps apart.

I'm off to rest and unpack. It was over 20 hrs to drive home and we are still a bit travel weary.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like a wonderful trip. Thanks for posting the photos! I love seeing cities.

Barbara said...

Dale & I were up there last year and I LOVED that city and want to go back and see more!!! It is a wonderful place. I am so glad you were able to go!!
Lori's mom

nina said...

Could you post more pics with kids in it? The city is great, but I want to see the kids....Love, Nina